SECTION 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION..............................................................................................5
1.1 Features ............................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Specifications ...................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Accessories .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Power Supplies ................................................................................................. 6
1.3.2 Alarms .............................................................................................................. 6
1.3.3 Totalizer ............................................................................................................ 6
1.3.4 4-20 mA Current Converter ............................................................................ 6
SECTION 2.0 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION ................................................................................. 7
2.1 Receiving Inspection ........................................................................................... 7
2.2 Power Requirements ........................................................................................... 7
2.3 Output Voltage .................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Mechanical Connections .................................................................................... 7
2.5 Electrical Connections ........................................................................................ 8
2.6 Operation ............................................................................................................ 8
2.6.1 Power Supply Operation .................................................................................. 8
2.6.2 Ambient Temperature....................................................................................... 8
2.6.3 Zero Check ...................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Range Changing.................................................................................................. 8
SECTION 3.0 THEORY OF OPERATION ............................................................................................. 9
3.1 Overall Functional Description ........................................................................... 9
3.2 Sensor ................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Electronics .......................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Shunt .................................................................................................................. 10
SECTION 4.0 MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 13
4.2 Authorized Maintenance ..................................................................................... 13
4.3 Adjustments......................................................................................................... 13
4.3.1 Calibration Procedure ...................................................................................... 13
4.3.2 ResponseT ime Adjustments ............................................................................ 13
4.3.3 Miscellaneous Adjustments .............................................................................. 13
4.4 End Cap Removal............................................................................................... 14
4.5 Range Changes ................................................................................................... 14
126B - PAGE 3
4.6 Printed Circuit Board Replacement .................................................................... 15
4.7 Sensor Replacement ............................................................................................ 15
4.8 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................. 15
SECTION 5.0 REPLACEMENT PARTS................................................................................................. 17
SECTION 6.0 WARRANTY AND REPAIR .............................................................................................. 19
SECTION 7.0 DIAGRAMS AND DRAWINGS ........................................................................................ 21
Schematic, PC-810 Fast Response ..................... ............................................................23
HFM-200 Outline Drawng................................................................................................ 24
HFM-201 Outline Drawing ....................................................................................... 25
HFM-200B Outline Drawing .................................................................................... 26
Laminar Flow Element Outline Drawing .................................................................. 27
126B - PAGE 4
Hastings Mass Flowmeters are designed to accurately measure mass flow without corrections or
compensations for gas pressure and temperature. Due to a linear electrical output signal, the flowmeters
are ideal for use with totalizers and recorders. Hastings Mass Flowmeters do not require any periodic
maintenance under normal operating conditions with clean gases. No damage will occur from the use of
moderate overpressures or overflows.
T he standard flowmeter calibration is for air. Special calibrations for most other gases such as oxygen,
nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide are available on special order, or by use of a gas multiplier.
T hese instruments are calibrated with air at the factory, then the output is adjusted using gas correction
1.1 Features
Hastings Fast Response HFM Flowmeters have response times of less than two seconds to 98% of
a 0-100% step change with less than 2% overshoot.
Fast Response HFM Flowmeters are available with a 15-pin “D” connector and are pin for pin
compatible with most other manufacturers’ thermal mass flowmeters with 20-pin connectors.
HFM Models incorporate a removable/replaceable sensor which virtually eliminates long down time
due to clogging, the most common cause of failure in the industry.
Each flowmeter has a shunt which can be quickly and easily adjusted in the field to different ranges,
however, recalibration is normally required.
A 100 micron filter is located upstream of the shunt and sensor to eliminate most of the larger impurities
in the system which tend to plug thermal mass flowmeters.
T he Model HFM Flowmeter comes in 15 standard ranges from 0-10 SCCM to 0-500 SLPM. Special
ranges are available upon request.
Model HFM Flowmeters are constructed of 300 series stainless steel.Viton is standard for O-rings &
seals. Neoprene and Kalrez are available upon request, for use with corrosive gases.
1.2 Specifications
•ResponseT ime .......................................................... (to 98% of 0-100% step change)Less than 2 seconds
•Accuracy & Linearity................................................................................................................. ±1% (F.S.)
•Repeatability .......................................................................................................................... ±0.2% (F.S.)
•Std. Pressure Rating ...................................................................................................................... 500 psig
• High Pressure Option ....................................................................... 1000 psig (proof tested to 1500 psig)
•Pressure Coefficient ........................................................................................... (0-500 psig N2) 0.01%/psi
• Leak Integrity ................................................................................................................................ 10-9 sccs
•Temperature Coefficient of Span ........................................................................................... <0.1% per oC
• Power ........................................................................................................................ ±15VDC @ ±50mA
• Flow Signal ................................................................................................. 0-5.00VDC (inherently linear)
• Wetted Material ............................................................................ 316 SS,Viton Seals, Gold/ Nickle Braze
•Connector ................................................................................................................... 15 pin D connector
•FittingsHFM-229, ............................................................................................................ 1/4" Swagelok T M
HFM-230, 1/2" Swagelok T M
•Weight (approx)HFM-229, ............................................................................................................. 1.8 lbs.
HFM-230, 3.3 lbs.
126B - PAGE 5
1.3 Accessories
1.3.1 Power Supplies
Hastings’ Power Supplies are designed as combination power supplies and digital readout monitors.
T hey can simultaneously power a combination of different Hastings Flow Instruments.T he front panel
(9.47"H X 3.47"W) allows mounting of two units in a standard 19" rack. A terminal strip on the rear
panel provides the user with continuous analog outputs from all channels.All power supplies have a 3-1/
2 LCD display.
Models 200 and 400 Power Supplies can accommodate up to two or four Hastings Flow Instruments,
respectively, and the Model 40 is for use with flowmeters only, powering up to 4 simultaneously.T he
Model 40 also features user-adjustable gas
conversion factors for direct reading when changing
gases. For more information, request Product Bulletin No. 544.
1.3.2 Alarms
T he Model AL-1 Flow Alarm is available as an attachment suitable for use with any 0-5.00VDC input
signal. Calibrated digital dial precision pots determine the low and high set points as a percent of full
scale.T his permits use with any range flowmeter or other instrument having a 0-5.00VDC linear
output signal. Control action is within 0.2% of scale.T he AL-1 is available in the panel mount J
1.3.3 Totalizer
T he HastingsT R-1 FlowTotalizer integrates the 0-5.00VDC signal generated by the flowmeter to give
a total flow reading. Count rates from 0-999 counts per minute are selectable by internal setting.T he
T R-1 is available in the panel mount J package.
1.3.4 4-20 mA C urrent C onverter
T he Hastings Model CC-420 Series Current Converter is an option available with Hastings Mass
Flowmeters.T he CC-420 produces a 4-20 mA signal from the 0-5.00VDC output of the flowmeter.
T he CC-420 is available in the panel mount J package.
126B - PAGE 6
T his section is designed to assist in getting a new flowmeter into operation as quickly and easily as
possible. Please read the following thoroughly before attempting to install the instrument.
2.1 Receiving Inspection:
Carefully unpack the Hastings Flowmeter and any accessories that arrive with it. Inspect it for any
obvious signs of damage due to shipment. Immediately advise the carrier who delivered the shipment if
any damage is suspected.
Compare each component shipped against the packing list. Ensure that all parts are present (i.e.
flowmeter, power supply, cables, etc.). Optional equipment or accessories will be listed separately on the
packing list (see Section 1.4 - Accessories).T here may also be one or more OPT- options on the
packing list.T hese normally refer to special ranges or special gas calibrations.T hey may also refer to
special helium leak tests or high pressure tests, or special modifications such as high
temperature or special O-ring materials. In most cases these are not separate parts, but rather special
options or modifications built into the flowmeter or power supply.
2.2 Power Requirements:
All HFM Model Flowmeters require ±15VDC @ ±50 mA max .T he 15VDC can vary between 14.25
VDC and 15.75VDC.T he supply voltage should be regulated with no more than 50 mV ripple. Surge
suppressers are recommended to prevent power line spikes from feeding through to the instruments.
T hese power requirements are satisfied by the Hastings Power Supply described in Section 1.4 -
2.3 Output Voltage:
T he output of the flowmeter is a 0-5.00VDC signal proportional to the flow rate.T he output is sent to
the display and is available at terminals at the rear of the Hastings Power Supply. If a Hastings supply
is not being used, the output is available on pin 6 of the D connector. It is recommended that the load
resistance be no less than 2k Ohms.
2.4 M echanical C onnections:
T he transducer may be oriented in any position, as long as the direction of gas flow through the
transducer follows the arrow marked on the bottom of the label.T he preferred orientation is with the
inlet and outlet fittings in a horizontal plane with the connector pointing up.
T he smallest passageway encountered on the Hastings HFM Flowmeter is .012" ID, therefore steps
should be taken to ensure proper filtering that
prevents blockage of these passageways.
T here are two 8-32 threaded holes 1/4" deep in
the bottom of the transducer that can be used to
secure it to a mounting bracket, if desired.
T he standard inlet and outlet fittings for the
HFM-229 Flowmeter are 1/4" Swagelok. For the
HFM-230, the fittings are 1/2"
Swagelok. OptionalVCR andVCO fittings are
available from the factory.Viton O-rings are
standard with all fittings; Kalrez and
Neoprene O-rings are optional and can be
ordered from the factory.
126B - PAGE 7
T he standard inlet and outlet fittings for the HFM-229B Flowmeter are NPT thread in the size of the
pipe listed on the drawing on page 22, for sizes up to 3" laminar. On the 4", 6", and 8" laminars, flange
fittings are standard. Smooth tubulation is optional on all sizes.
It is suggested that all connections be checked for leaks after installation.T his can be done by pressuriz-
ing the transducer (do not exceed 500 psig unless the transducer is specifically rated for higher pres-
sures) and applying a diluted soap solution to the flow connections.
2.5 Electrical C onnections:
If a power supply was purchased from Hastings Instruments, installation will consist of connecting the
cable, purchased separately from the power supply, from the rear of the supply to the top of the
flowmeter. If a Hastings supply was not purchased, follow the instructions below to connect up the
T he power supply used must be capable of supplying ±15VDC at ±50mA . T hese voltages must be
referenced to a common ground.
Refer to Fig. 2.1. Connect -15VDC to pin 9 and +15VDC to pin 11. Pin 5 is common and must be
connected to the common connection at the power supply. Pin 7 is the case ground and it should be
connected to the cable shield if available, and to AC ground of the power supply. Pin 6 is the output
signal from the flowmeter.T his output will be 0-5VDC, 5VDC being 100% of rated or full flow.
2.6 Operation:
2.6.1 Power Supply Operation
Do not connect transducers while the power supply is energized.T he display may read either percent of
full scale or actual flow rate, depending on the power supply purchased. To read flow rate, turn display
switch to desired channel.
2.6.2 Ambient Temperature
In order to maintain the accuracy of the flowmeter with changes in ambient temperature, it is necessary
to keep the temperature of the transducer between 0oC and 50oC. Since some of the temperature shift
results in a slight zero offset, better results are obtained if the flowmeter is re-zeroed at the operating
temperature.T he flowmeter calibration may change by a factor up to 0.1%/oC. Hastings Mass
Flowmeters are for GAS flow, so DO NOT let the temperature and/or pressure of the gas
reach a point that would cause the gas to change to a liquid state, or erroneous indications will result.
2.6.3 Zero C heck
Turn the power supply “ON”. Allow the flowmeter 10 minutes to warm up. Stop all flow through the
transducer and check electrical zero.
CAUT ION: Do not assume that all metering valves will completely shut off flow. Even a slight leakage
through a valve will cause an indication on the meter which will falsely appear to be a zero shift.
If necessary, adjust the “ZERO” potentiometer, located on the lower inlet side of the transducer, until
the meter indicates zero.T his zero should be checked periodically during normal operation.
2.7 Range C hanging:
T he range of the flowmeter can be changed in the field if recalibration facilities are available.T he
instructions to change the flow range can be found in Section 4.5. In order to change the range of a
Model HFM-230 Flowmeter, a new laminar flow element must be purchased from the factory.
126B - PAGE 8
3.0 TH EO R
T h
of M
T h
to d
T h
For a constant power input, the differential thermocouple output is a function of the mass flow rate and
the heat capacity of the gas. Since the heat capacity of many gases is relatively constant over wide
ranges of temperature and pressure, the flowmeter may be calibrated directly in mass units for those
3.3 Electronics
T he Fast Response Model HFM uses a thermal flow sensor to measure flow through a capillary tube,
which is a fixed percentage of the total flow through the instrument.T his sensor develops an output
signal proportional to flow which is approximately 0.8 mv full scale magnitude (see Figure 3.3). T his
signal is amplified by the meter circuitry until it is 0-5.00VDC.T his 5 volt output is sent back to the
power supply and to the flowmeter circuitry, if applicable. At the power supply the 5 volt output is sent
to the terminals on the back and to the decoding circuitry in the display which converts it to a 3-1/2
digit output.
T he Fast Response Model HFM uses additional electronics to achieve fast response characteristics by
amplifying the rate ofchange of the input signal, and adding it to the amplified input signal.T he elec-
tronics are adjusted to provide response times of less than two seconds to 98% of a 0-100% step change
with less than 2% overshoot.T he electronics also maintain the ouput signal above 5.00VDC when the
flowrate exceeds the full scale flow of the flowmeter.
NOTE: The output signal will continue to increase above 5.00VDC as the flow rate exceeds full scale flow,
however, the output above 5.00VDC is non-linear and should not be used for flow measurement.
3.4 Shunt
Higher measurement of flow rates is achieved by dividing the flow with a fixed ratio shunting arrange-
acing the measuring capillary tube parallel
nar flow element (LFE).T herefore, the
y tube resulting in low power require-
consists of tubes inserted into a cylindrical
250 sccm (see Figure 3.5).T he higher
nd into a coil and fused.T he higher range
re 3.6).
T he HFM-230 uses a shunt which is a corrugated and fused shunt similar to the shunt used in the
lower flow range instruments (see Figure 3.7).T his highest range shunt is adjustable from 0- 50 slpm
to 0-500 slpm.
T he HFM-229B Series uses an external laminar flow element instead of an internal shunt, because the
necessary size for the element exceeds the body size of the flowmeter.T his laminar flow element is
made of a corrugated and fused stainless steel ribbon similar to the one used in the
Model HFM-230.
126B - PAGE 11
126B - PAGE 12
4.1 Introduction:
T his section contains service and calibration information. Some portions of the instrument are delicate.
Use extreme care when servicing the flowmeter.T he potentiometer positions and the electrical compo-
nents referred to in the troubleshooting section can be found in Section 6.0 on the electrical component
layout drawing.
4.2 Authorized M aintenance:
With proper care in installation and use, the flowmeter will require little or no maintenance. If mainte-
nance does become necessary, most of the instrument can be cleaned or repaired in the field. Some
procedures may require recalibration. Do not attempt these procedures unless facilities are available.
Entry into the sensor or tampering with the printed circuit board will void warranty. Do not perform
repairs on these assemblies while unit is still under warranty.
4.3 Adjustments:
4.3.1 C alibration Procedure
1. Connect power cable to D connector as specified in Section 2.5. Allow instrument to warm up for
30 minutes with all flow shut off.
2. Set ZERO potentiometer for 0.000 VDC output at pin 6 on the D connector or flow output pin on
the rear of the Hastings Power Supply.
3. Turn on air supply to inlet of instrument. Adjust flow rate to 100% according to flow reference.
4. Adjust SPAN pot until the flowmeter
indicates full scale flow (5.000VDC).
NOT E: Perform this step only if a
calibrated reference flowmeter is avail-
5. Record flowmeter and flow reference
outputs for flow rates of 20%, 40%, 60%,
80%, and 100%.
4.3.2 Response T ime Adjustments
Readjustments of the fast response
circuit should not be necessary unless
changes in the range or sensor have
been performed.T he flowmeter should
be calibrated before setting the response
IMPORTANT : Response time cannot
be tested with a simple shutoff valve.
Pressure builds up behind the valve, and when opened creates a surge flow in excess of the calibrated flow rate.
What must be used is a two-way valve or a fitting which can be quickly connected and provide a leak-free seal to
the flowmeter inlet.The reference flow is vented to atmosphere,and switches through the flowmeter when the
valve is operated or fitting is connected.The valve or fitting should be close coupled to the flowmeter inlet to
reduce pneumatic time delays. The response pot is not accessible from the exterior of the flowmeter.The cover
must be removed to make any adjustments. See Fig.
Using a voltmeter, strip chart recorder, or oscilloscope connected to the flow output voltage, switch flow through
the flowmeter and observe output voltage.Adjust response pot to increase or decrease response time.The
response pot is a single turn pot and a small pot adjustment produces a large response time change. Remove flow
from flowmeter and allow output voltage to reach zero volts. Repeat test until response time is set.
4.3.3 M iscellaneous Adjustments
Periodically, during normal operation, the ZERO should be checked and adjusted when required.
126B - PAGE 13
4.4 End Cap Removal
T he end cap on the inlet side must be removed to gain access to the filter or shunt assembly. First shut
off the supply of gas to the instrument. Disconnect the Swagelok fitting on the inlet and outlet sides of
the instrument. Remove the four hex bolts holding the end cap to the instrument (see Figure 4.2).
Carefully remove the end cap, filter, wave spring and shunt, noting their order and proper orientation.
NOT E: T he Model HFM-230 does not include a wave spring.T he shunt can be severely damaged if
dropped. Examine the filter and shunt. If either is dirty or blocked, clean or replace as applicable.
Reassembly is the reverse of the removal procedure.
NOTE:When reinstalling the small range shunt, ensure that corrugated side is down.
4.5 Range Changes
Remove end cap and shunt assembly per Section 4.4 above.T he 0-10 sccm to 0-300 sccm range
shunt has tubes, while the medium range shunt is built from a coil of corrugated stainless steel foil.T he
medium range shunt has a disk assembly with two large, one medium, and one small hole.To change
ranges, the disc on the inlet of the shunt should be loosened, turned and retightened to expose the
number of holes or tubes as listed below for the range desired.
SMALL .......................................... 0-10 sccm ............................................................................... 0 tubes
........................................................ 0-30 sccm ................................................................................ 1 tube
........................................................ 0-50 sccm ............................................................................... 2 tubes
........................................................ 0-100 sccm ............................................................................. 4 tubes
........................................................ 0-250 sccm ........................................................................... 10 tubes
MEDIUM ....................................... 0-.3 slpm ...................................................................... smallest hole
........................................................ 0-1 slpm ........................................................................ medium hole
........................................................ 0-3 slpm .......................................................... 1 large and small hole
........................................................ 0-5 slpm ................................................................... both large holes
........................................................ 0-10 slpm ........................................................................ half-washer
........................................................ 0-30 slpm ................................................................. washer removed
LARGE ........................................... 0-50 slpm ................................................................................ 1 hole
........................................................ 0-100 slpm ............................................................................. 2 holes
........................................................ 0-150 ............................................................................... slpm3 holes
........................................................ 0-300 ................................................................ slpmwasher removed
........................................................ 0-500 ............................................................... slpm washer removed
NOTE: These ranges are for Air at StandardTemperature and Pressure.
126B - PAGE 14
4.6 Printed Circuit Board
In the unlikely event that the PC board
fails, it is easily removed from the instru-
ment and replaced with a spare to minimize
instrument downtime. Replacement of the
PC board will require the instrument to be
recalibrated per Section 4.3.1.Unplug the
power cable from the top of the transducer.
Remove the two screws on the side of the
cover. Lift off the cover and unplug the
four-wire sensor plug noting the orientation
prior to removal. Remove the screw that
holds the PC board to the sensor.Trouble-
shoot or replace as applicable. Installation is
the reverse of the above procedure.
Recalibrate if any components were
changed or if any potentiometers were
4.7 Sensor Replacement
If the sensor fails or becomes plugged it can be removed. Remove the cover and the PC board per
Section 4.6 above. Remove the three bolts holding the sensor to the instrument base. Remove the
sensor from the base noting the two O-rings (Parker 2-005,V884-75) between the sensor and the base.
See Figure 4.3. If the sensor is plugged it can be cleaned by running a fine wire (approximately 0.008"
diameter) through the tube. If sensor needs replacement, obtain another from the factory and install it.
Ensure that O-rin
over O-rings, and
per Section 4.3.1.
4.8 Troubles
CAUSE: Power
disconnect the un
regulator chip in th
Check supply volt
returns to zero afte
unit there is a shor
& C13 first.
extremely small an
CAUSE: Sensor
ACTION: Unplug s
SYMPT OM: Sensor has proper resistance readings, but little or no output with flow.
CAUSE: Plugged sensor.
ACT ION: Shut off gas supply and power supply. Remove cover and PC board from unit. Remove
sensor assembly and examine. If sensor has evidence of plugging, clean or replace as applicable.
SYMPT OM: Flowmeter reads other than 0.00 VDC with no flow, or there is a small flow when
flowmeter reads 0.00VDC.
CAUSE: ZERO potentiometer is out of adjustment.
ACT ION: Shut off all flow. Adjust ZERO potentiometer until output reads 0.00VDC.
SYMPT OM: Flowmeter out of calibration and non-linear.
CAUSE: Leaks in gas inlet or outlet fittings.
ACT ION: Check all fittings for leaks by placing soap solution on all fittings between gas supply and
final destination of gas. Check flowmeter for leaks. Replace “O” rings if required or recalibrate as
126B - PAGE 16
T he following is a list of the available replacement parts and their factory stock numbers.T he HFM-
229, HFM-229B, HFM-200, HFM-200B, and the HFC-202 shunts and filter discs are interchange-
able.T he HFM-230, HFM-201, and the HFC-203 shunts and filter discs are also interchangeable.T he
same sensor module is used on all of the above models.
81-102L ......... LOW RANGE SHUNT ..................................................... 10, 30, 50, 100, 250 SCCM
81-102H ........ MED RANGE SHUNT ....................................................... 0.3, 1, 3, 5, 10, 30 SLPM
81-102B......... HIGH RANGE SHUNT ............................................... 50, 100, 150, 300, 500 SLPM
65-140E ......... LFE Model LS-2, 2.0" NPT M ................................................................. 0-750 SLPM
65-140G ........ LFE Model LS-3, 3.0" NPT M ............................................................... 0-1500 SLPM
65-140J .......... LFE Model LS-4F, 4.0" Flange ............................................................... 0-3000 SLPM
65-140K ........ LFE Model LS-6F, 6.0" Flange ............................................................... 0-6000 SLPM
65-140L ......... LFE Model LS-8F, 8.0" Flange ............................................................ 0-15,000 SLPM
39-02-003 ...... SMALL FILT ER DISC ................................................. HFM-229, HFM-229B,AND
39-02-002 ...... LARGE FILT ER DISC ...................................................... HFM-230 AND HFC-203
81-105 ........... SENSOR MODULE ........................................................................... ALL MODELS
65-595 ........... FAST RESPONSE HFM ELECT RONICS CARD ...................... D CONNECT OR
81-115 .....................................................................VIT ON O-RING KIT FOR HFM-200 and 200B
81-116 ..................................................................................... VIT ON O-RING KIT FOR HFM-201
81-146 .............................................................. KALREZT M O-RING KIT FOR HFM-200 and 200B
81-147 .............................................................................. KALREZT M O-RING KIT FOR HFM-201
81-150 ............................................................ NEOPRENE O-RING KIT FOR HFM-200 and 200B
81-151 ............................................................................ NEOPRENE O-RING KIT FOR HFM-201
NOTE: Ranges listed are for same standard temperature and pressure.
To place an order or to obtain information concerning replacement parts, contact the factory or our
local manufacturer’s representative in your area. See below, or this manual’s last page for the address or
phone number.When ordering, include the following information:
• Instrument model number
• Part description
• Hastings part number
126B - PAGE 17
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6.0War ranty and Repair
Warranty Policy
Hastings Instruments warrants this product for a period of one year from the date of shipment to
be free from defects in material and workmanship.T his warranty does not apply to defects or
failures resulting from unauthorized modification, misuse or mishandling of the product.T his
warranty does not apply to batteries or other expendable parts, nor to damage caused by leaking
batteries or any similar occurrence.T his warranty does not apply to any instrument which has had
a tamper seal removed or broken.
T his warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty
as to fitness for a particular use. Hastings Instruments shall not be liable for any indirect or conse-
quential damages.
Hastings Instruments will, at its option, repair, replace or refund the selling price of the product if
Hastings Instruments determines, in good faith, that it is defective in materials or workmanship
during the warranty period. Defective instruments should be returned to Hastings Instruments
together with a written statement of the problem and a Return Material Authorization (RMA)
number. Please consult the factory for your RMA number before returning any product for repair.
N on-Warranty Repair Policy
Any product returned for a non-warranty repair must be accompanied by a purchase order, RMA
form and a written description of the problem with the instrument. If the repair cost is higher, you
will be contacted for authorization before we proceed with any repairs. If you then choose not to
have the product repaired, a minimum will be charged to cover the processing and inspection.
Please consult the factory for your RMA number before returning any product for repair.
(757) 723-6531
(757) 723-3925
126B - PAGE 19
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7.0 D iagram s and D rawings
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